Through a Lacanian lens

Ecosophic immanence, somatic corpora, and naturalization



Lacan, Bateson, Deleuze, Guattari, Romanticism, Naturalism, psychosomatics


This paper firstly argues that Romanticism and Naturalism diverge immanent territorial margins, and that their radials, longitudes, and predilections constitute an inscription of unitary discursive topography and hence, a mutual preclusion of rational extraterritoriality. Second, natural order predicated on a fundamental assumption of self-other complexion is posited as the archetypal locus for territorialisation, and Batesonian ‘ecosophy’ or ecological philosophy is stipulated to conform semiotic semblances from this internecine unconscious with the accession of newly emergent adaptation, namely, the dyslexic extenuation of somaticized action and somatic corpora, which are of physiologic and Freudian genealogy and become immured to Lacanian chains of signification. Third, these hyperextensive viscera are positioned as Parts-in-Wholes constituting protopathic Deleuzian and Guattarian plateaus, and they are inured disjunctively and dissimulated unevenly, a fact which sharpens axiomatic planes and causes pejorations and distortions of symbolic order. Lastly, an atlas for semiotic naturalization is surmised for further exploration.


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How to Cite

Betito, P.-A. (2022). Through a Lacanian lens: Ecosophic immanence, somatic corpora, and naturalization. Entelocius: A Multidisciplinary Journal (EAMJ), 1(2), 24. Retrieved from